Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sarasota Eagles

February 11th, 2009

To show just how slowly things can move in comedy…I did a show at B.C.’s Recovery Room in Sarasota on May 1st, 2008. I did really well, sold some shirts, thought nothing else of it other than I had a great show and met some great people. October 24th, I get an email on my blackberry from a woman named Debby who saw me at B.C.’s Recovery Room in May, thought I was funny, and wondered if I’d help out with a fundraiser for Alzheimer’s…in February of 2009. I’m always a little skittish about doing charity work. If you’ve seen my show – it’s not a post-urban pottie mouth show, but it’s definitely not for kiddies either. I always have to run through my checklist when I take on non-comedy club work: 1) Where is the venue? 2) Do I need to bring sound? 3) Will all children be in another building, in another county? No problems, so I took the gig and asked comedian friend Gid Pool to emcee and feature.

In the months preceding the gig, I’m healthy, I exercise, I take care of myself. But the night before the gig, I start having flu and cold like symptoms. I take 2000 mg of Vitamin C every 2 hours, Emer-Gen-C shots whenever I get a sore throat. I rest all day, plenty of fluids including a pitcher of water before the gig – and I’m good enough to go.

Debby kindly pays me before the gig. I put the money in my back pocket, and forget about it. Show time comes, and when Gid is onstage, I run back to the rest room to change into my princess outfit. When I come out, I reach into my pants pocket to pull out the money, and it’s not there.

I run back into the restroom…the money isn't there. Debby sees me panicking, and I finally break down and tell her I can’t find the money. We’re in the restroom pouring through my stuff…when Gid calls my name to come on stage. I don’t hear him.

I finally tell Debby I’ll worry about the money later. I reappear from the restroom, and hear Gid say “There’s Traci!” Once I’m on stage, I forget about the money – it’s all about the audience. I put everything I had into the show…and it was a great show!

While I’m on stage, Debby continued looking for the money. She asked the bartender is anyone turned in some money, and the bartender said a woman found some money, but wouldn’t say how much. Debby got it straightened out right away…and once she did she tried to hold up the money so I’d know she found it. Of course, I didn’t see her…
When I got off stage, Debby introduces me to Melody, the honest soul who reported finding the money. Whew! What a relief. So…the moral of the story is…remember to put your money in a safe place at an Alzheimer’s fundraiser!

Big thanks to Debby, and everyone at The Sarasota Eagles who helped with the event.
My cheeseburger was delicious. Like Gid said, when your burger is shaped like the state of Oklahoma, it’s going to be a good burger.
Thanks to my new friend Tina who offered me some Jack Daniel’s…err…cough syrup for my sore throat.
Hello to Vince aka Houdini…may we not be working at the same time some day!

And most of all…a big thank you to Melody…your story of honesty was music to my ears (and wallet)!
Of course…I had to tip Gid extra for that “where the hell is she” moment.