Sunday, February 1, 2009

Northport, FL

January 24th, 2009
I’ve been performing at the Olde World Restaurant (OWR) in Northport, since 2004 or 2005. The owners, Christine, Joe and Teresa, have put together a great restaurant and lounge, with remarkable food and service. I have yet to be there when the parking lot isn’t full. And they even manage to put on a pretty good comedy show!

I owe this gig to the very funny Valarie Storm, a Fort Myers based comedian turned bona fide road dog comedian. I headlined the room last August, and was stunned to see so many familiar faces this time! The show sold out 3 days prior…that makes me happy. Word is getting out The Princess is coming to town.

Gid Pool was the emcee. Gid and I worked together on the E-Man Nation Radio Show last year. He and his wife were also my sidekicks on a float in the Rubonia Mardi Gras. When I get the chance to bring an opener Gid is on the short list. Gid, as always, did a great job warming up the audience. Rock N Roll John kept them going…gotta love the story about the towels in the hotels…and then I took over. All was going well, until this elderly crazy woman, empowered with 6 rum and cokes, started shouting “You go girl!” “I love you!” The flood gates of weirdness opened. She’s a heckler, but she loves me. So I can’t be mean to her. But I should have! She put a huge dent in the momentum I had built. Some people just don’t get it.

Big hugs and thanks to Christine, Bart and Robin!
Thanks to all who attended the show…again…
And a Florida Howdy to Mary Jo & Bill from Mavis Winkle’s in Cleveland.