Saturday, January 17, 2009

Daytona Beach, FL

I left Friday afternoon to head for my Bonkerz shows at The Playa Resort in Daytona Beach, Florida. I was last at this club in July or August, and was happy to see just about all the staff still there. I got set up, caught up with the staff, then headed to my very frigid hotel room. The heater wasn't working, and after 3 calls to the front desk, James the maintenance guy determined the heater was definitely broke (no shit) and hooked me up with a much nicer room. My new room had a heater that worked, a kitchenette-let, AND an easy bake oven. Friday night, show time was 9pm. 9:10pm, and the emcee had not shown up. At 9:15pm, the management made the decision that the emcee was probably not going to show up (no shit). Frank (comedian trainee) made the brief announcement "please welcome to the stage, Traci," and it was time to get the party started. Friday night's show was good, considering I started with an audience that was stone cold, I mean stoned or old, and demographically scattered all over the board. There was something for everyone, but not everything for everyone.

Saturday, I researched some things to do in Daytona, that didn't include shopping. I found a museum in Ormond Beach, that was open from 12-4pm, and admission was $2.00. Had I actually gone, I could have told you whether or not the admission was worth it or a rip-off. Unfortunately, minutes before I was set to leave, I received an email from a booker that set me off, and straightening out the mess consumed the next 2 hours of my time. When the tough gets pissed, the pissed goes I headed off to Imagine Beads Imagine Beads is a great bead shop, once you find it. My Garmin, obviously didn't want me to go there, judging by how many times I had to "make a U-turn" under I-95 (6 times). I hate you Garmin. $67.10 later...I had several pieces of "mystery metal" in my possession. I have no idea what I'm going to do with, but I HAD to have it.

On my way home, I got pissed at myself for not getting enough sleep, not eating right, not working out, allowing a booker to piss me off for 2 hours, AND for spending $67.10 I didn't need to spend. It was at this point I realized I was getting a little pissy, and decided a nap would be the best use of my time.

When I woke up, I decided I needed sushi. I asked my Garmin where the nearest sushi restaurant was, and it took me straight to one that was no longer open. The next closest one was Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar. My sushi chef, made me the 2 most delicious rolls I've had in a long time. The Golden Gate Roll, and the Eel Tempura Crunch roll were to die for. If you go there, ask for Aji (which is Japanese for "horse mackeral" ironically) and Sarah (which is American for "really good waitress"), and tell them Traci the comedian sent you. However, do not go on your birthday! The Happy Birthday song just doesn't sound quite right with Japanese drums as accompaniment. But I will say, it's no where near as annoying as those birthday songs at chain restaurants where the whole staff claps and chants some post-war "I don't know what I been told, but this jerk here is getting old."
Rested for 2 Saturday shows, I was pleased to meet Genesis, our emcee for the evening. Genesis relocated to Orlando for family, but is a bona fide headliner with 24 years comedy experience, doing the club owners a favor by filling in. Our 8pm audience was ready to have fun, and everyone had a killer show! The 10pm audience was riddled with the usual stoned, drunk, high, and/or tired people - so they were a little tougher to keep entertained but we worked hard and got the job done. All in all, it was a great week. Good people, good comedy.
I'd like to thank my fans: the guy who has seen me at least 3x - once in NSB, and 2x in Daytona; Sherry the nurse from Indiana and her college age son who saw both shows; and to the hair stylist and her husband who prepares documents from rich people...send me those pics! I'll post them! To the lovely lady, who was there with her mother and aunt and bought me the shot: thanks! You ladies made the show!
I'd also like to thank the staff:

Montana: lose that zero and get you a hero. You're adorable, and something better will come along quickly.
Kara: have fun with the new truck, and best of luck selling the Sebring. Nice meeting your "sugar daddy." Hope he recovers from his music addiction...I know I'm still in rehab.
Bill: thanks for pouring me the stiff H20 drinky-poos.
Joey: turn your hat've got to be in your 40's.
Paul the GM: you look a LOT like Donny Osmond. Please have purple socks for my next visit.
Paulie aka Chachie: thanks for being my sound guy! You're the best.
Frank aka Comedian Trainee: I'm not giving you Artie Fletcher's phone number. Quit begging.

Paulie aka Chachie

Frank, Comedian Trainee

Genesis and Shay

Joey and Donny Osmond

Montana, Bill and Kara